Chess - The Game of Ages, The Game for All Ages
Posted by GOO | Posted in | Posted on 17:46
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Chess is one of the oldest existing traditional board Games, from its Indian and Persian origin 1500 years ago. Over time, minor changes to the rules were added to increase the level of strategy to the Game, but is largely unchanged since its inception.
Chess can actually three different Games, but the most common variant of chess, and one that probably comes to mind when one thinks about the game of chess or WesternInternational chess. Identify more precisely the chess differs from its predecessors and other chess variants, and has its origin in the fact that a period of significant change of rules in Southern Europe in the second half of the 15th century occurred.
What makes chess so to play a wonderful game that is almost infinitely scalable to understand the level of the players in the game. This is a game of pure art, without any opportunity to participate. During prolongedStrategies can be difficult to obtain for the basics of movement are relatively simple, which makes the game more interesting. It 'amazing that a game so simple that can be played so cheap (it is possible for a low cost for a few Dollars to find), both in terms of challenge and offer a wide selection and strategy.
Chess is played on a square board with 64 squares, each in an 8 by 8 pattern. The eight rows are called ranks, and are represented by numbers 18, and the eight columns are called files and are designated with the letters A to H represent
The beginning of each game the player controls 16 pieces each: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops and eight pawns. Each piece has its own pattern of movement that must be learned and respected. With one exception (en passant), beat all the stones enemy piece on the square occupied by an opponent's stone.
Chess players forces think of the futureand analyze a series of complex factors, so that the brain is a very stimulating activity for players of all ages. Given the differences between strategic and tactical patterns, a game of chess is usually divided into three phases: opening, when the player moves his future, the game in between, where the pieces are placed, and attacks were made on the strategy, and final game, when the Most pieces are gone, and the king are really under pressure. The goal is to capture the king.If the species is in danger of attack (), is said to be under control. When the conquering king, is called checkmate.
Chess is a wonderfully addictive game, learn the easy and cheap to play. For all fans of traditional board games or strategy games, a game of chess you must add to your wardrobe.
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